Sammal Saga


We live in times of change. During such times people look for inspiration, for guidance and assurance. We find it in stories, tales that tell us about an optional way of perceiving things. It gives us hope and courage.

Times like these ask for stories like these. Stories of the present moment. Guidance we can relate to.

SAMMAL Saga is one of those transmissions in a form of texts, a present-moment tale of the individual of higher awareness of being. It is written in the present moment, for the present-moment individual.

It is the Saga of an individual; reader who unfolds their own journey as they engage with the Quest the Saga tells about. It is a story of an individual's quest from a cycle of unawareness to a conscious creator, to sharing their own medicine. A story of an individual who becomes part of the Village Community. A story about the human race, learning to work with the planet.

Just as with the transmissions of the past, SAMMAL Saga is a one take, one voice uncovering the Quest of the present moment. Therefore, the Saga does not negate, nor exclude any other voices telling the same tale. You choose which voice resonates with you and which tale you want to partake writing in. Also, if as you interact with this Saga, you feel inspired and called to create your own version and let your own voice be heard on uncovering the Quest of the present moment, you are welcome to do so. Since this Saga will evolve and expand, as you evolve and expand.

Welcome to the Quest!


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