Welcome to your body

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A system of bodies, an integral view to the human experience of physical, emotional, spiritual and mental levels.

Your Multidimensional Avatar.

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Your Suite is optimized with physical, emotional, spiritual and mental upgrades.

Inside your food, media, environment, relations and dreams there is information constantly updating your systems. Inside you there is an Operating System that reads, interpretes and evolves based on that information.

Listening to your body leads to following a form of integral intelligence. When all the bodies relax, there is joy and with that comes power. Creation energy.

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Natural state of Being

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Multiple methods for Avatar Activation

Most wisdom traditions, religions and dharmas revolve around one of them. Instead of vertical paths, we can however, also take an integral approach. Through balance, holistic wellbeing and empowerment in all areas of life, we can create a foundation from which the finer aspects, settled features and more advanced states emerge.

Instead of pursuing enlightenment directly (dual), we create the conditions for its emergence, and realize it as our birth right (nondual).


Tune into it at any time.

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We have entered a time where we can understand our bodies as a system

Always was and always will be. You cannot see the first dimensions, only feel. But it’s there. Unity plus consciousness equals one.


It’s right here

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